Unfortunately, accidents are an all too common occurrence. Accidents can cause damage to your personal property, injuries to your body, and even death. If you have been involved in an accident in Houston, call the Law Offices of Keivan S. Romero today. Keivan S. Romero will help you during this difficult time, providing you with the legal guidance and advice you need in order to seek compensation for your damages. He has what it takes to get you the money you deserve for your injuries, medical bills, time off of work, and vehicle repairs. Furthermore, he knows how frustrating it can be to deal with insurance companies, which is where we come in.

Being in an accident of any kind is a frightening and overwhelming experience that can alter your life in many different ways. All of a sudden, you are left to figure out how to pay your medical bills and get to work without a working vehicle. The Law Offices of Keivan S. Romero knows how difficult the aftermath of a vehicle accident is and will therefore do everything in our power to get you the care and compensation you deserve.